Be Wise Fellowship (Fall 2020-Present)
Awarded by a committee of the Be Wise Foundation run by Rabbi Peter J. Rubinstein and Rabbi Matt Green for the creation and sustenance of Drinking and Drashing: Torah with a Twist.
The Rabbi Roland B. Gittelsohn Prize in Social Action or in Religious Education (May 2022)
Awarded by the HUC-JIR faculty to a student in recognition of their strong work in the field and/or on campus.
Garfinkel & Meyers Memorial Prize in Human Relations (May 2022)
Awarded by the HUC-JIR faculty to a student in recognition of their strong work in the field and/or on campus.
The Florence and Joel Raphael Memorial Prize, for outstanding youth work (May 2021)
Awarded by the HUC-JIR faculty to a student in recognition of their strong work in the field.
iCenter iFellowship Master’s Concentration in Israel Education (February 2020-May 2021)
A year-long fellowship in which students from several Jewish seminaries engage in a broad approach to innovative Israel education that is founded in both a stronger understanding of Israeli history and culture and an innovative educational methodology.
AIPAC Leffell Israel Fellowship (February 2020-Present)
An expanded fellowship in which rabbinical students from several Jewish seminaries engage through experiential education, Israel advocacy, and professional mentorship in an effort to deepen an understanding and support of the US-Israel relationship.
T’ruah Fellowship (August 2018-May 2019)
A year-long fellowship during our Year-in-Israel in which groups of rabbinical and cantorial students develop a greater understanding of the Israeli-Palestinian relationship through a variety of seminars, study sessions, experiential learning trips, and cohort-building.
Shalom Hartman Rabbinic Student Fellowship (September 2018-May 2019)
A year-long fellowship during our Year-in-Israel in which groups of rabbinical and cantorial students create community and learn together to engage in dialogue about the role Israel can play in North American Jewish life.
Ezra Fellowship (August 2014-June 2016), Pilot Cohort
A three-year fellowship in which Hillel professionals from across the country came together to be trained in pluralistic and experiential Jewish education techniques to add depth to the engagement programming on campus.
Taglit Fellowship (August 2014), Pilot Cohort
A one-year fellowship run by the iCenter for Israel Education, focused on creating an educational intensive for Jewish leaders and aspiring Jewish educators who would staff Taglit-Birthright Israel trips.